Standardized Tests: Preparing Your Teen

Standardized Tests: Preparing Your Teen

Standardized testing…two words that evoke a lot of emotions with parents and educators and there are people on both sides of the fence. Standardized tests are tests that are administered and scored in a consistent (standard) way. Those who are for standardized tests think that they are fairer since every person receives the same test and then the same system is used to grade each test. The consistency allows for tests to be compared and is considered to be more objective. Due to all of these reasons, standardized tests are commonplace amongst schools and your student is pretty much guaranteed to take several during their school years. These tests don’t have to bring a lot of angst and anxiety to you or your student. There are ways to prepare your student so that they can take the test with confidence!

Study Ahead and Practice

Cramming for a test may be how most teens tend to study but encourage them to begin their studying well before the test date. When a student crams for a test, they may think they are able to retain the information, but in reality, they are more apt to make errors and end up in a panic during the test. They might get their facts mixed up or forget them all together. Studying for a week or two ahead of time allows the student to practice and practice until they know the facts like the back of their hand. Also, if you are able to track down practice tests, have your student take them. This will get them familiar with what the test format could be like and will allow them to test their skills and knowledge.

Standardized Testing

Scan the Test

Encourage your teen to take a look at the entire test before beginning. If they see areas of the test that they can answer quickly and correctly, have them begin there. Then, they can tackle the harder areas after. Your teen could also take inventory of how many questions are on the test and then determine how much time they have to spend on each question. This will assist them in budgeting their time and they’ll be able to decide if they have extra time to spend on the hard to solve problems. Also, if a question stumped your teen, clearing their mind and circling back to the problem may allow them to view the question in a new way or jog their memory of the answer.

Take a Breath

It’s easy for student’s to get anxious and start to panic if they hit an area of the test that is difficult to answer. That response is natural, but they should know what to do to cope and refocus their mind, should this anxiety set in. Encourage your student to take a moment, close their eyes, and clear their head. Taking a few slow, deep breaths will reduce some anxiety and will let your teen get a second wind. They will then be ready to tackle the remaining parts of the test with a renewed determination.

Always Read the Questions in Totality

It’s easy to skim a question and think you know what someone is asking but often times, even one word can change the whole meaning of what is being asked. It’s crucial that your student read the WHOLE question before choosing their answer. This allows for less thoughtless mistakes. Misreading and misinterpreting questions account for a lot of the incorrect answers on tests. Should time permit at the end of the test, encourage your student to review their answers. This review should help them catch any mistakes they made.

Process of Elimination

Let’s face it, there are bound to be questions that your teen simply doesn’t understand or wasn’t prepared to answer. Make sure they know how to address this, should the need arise. The best way to handle questions such as these are to use the process of elimination. They should start by eliminating any answers that they know are 100% incorrect. Once the wrong answers have been eliminated, they can make an educated guess as to what the correct answer is. Should they determine there is more than one right answer, they could select the answer of “more than one.” If that isn’t an option, then they are incorrect and they need to choose what answer best suits the question.

A Few Last Pointers…

  • Make sure your teen gets a solid night sleep the evening before the test. Staying up late to study won’t help their scores unfortunately. If they are tired when they take the test, mistakes are bound to be made.
  • Have your teen dress in comfortable, appropriate clothing so they aren’t distracted or fixing their clothing during the exam.
  • Cook a good, well-rounded breakfast for your child the morning of the test. A full belly will keep their mind off of stomach growls and onto the test at hand.
  • Tell them to use the bathroom before the test. A full bladder will be very distracting during the test and they may not be able to leave the room once the test is underway.
  • Lastly, make sure your teen has a few sharpened number 2 pencils and erasers. They may even be able to pack a small handheld pencil sharpener in case they need it during the exam.

Test taking skills are great things to learn and fine tune. People are given standardized tests in almost all years of life and knowing how to prepare, stay calm, and properly answer the questions will help your teen throughout the course of their lives. Have any questions on the type of tests that we administer or on our courses? Our staff is eager to talk to you so please, give us a call at 800-297-2119.

How To Take The Stress Out Of Preparing For A Test

How To Take The Stress Out Of Preparing For A Test

Do you remember sitting in a classroom as the teacher passed out tests that were to be taken? The teacher would walk slowly; making sure all of the students had everything put away and off of their desks. They would put the test face down on your desk to make sure you didn’t get a glimpse at the questions before your fellow classmates did. They would then tell you to begin and sometimes your mind would draw blank. The memories alone are enough to make your palms sweat and your heart race!

Your student faces those same nerves, even though they are schooling in a different way than perhaps you did. Often times (especially in the teen years), preparing for a test happens the night before, leaving everyone in a panic, trying to cram and race the clock. Let’s try to break that habit and set your teen up for success by implementing the following guidelines:

Organize and Make a Plan

Unless it’s a pop quiz, teachers give advance notice on tests. Your teen should let you know as soon as they find out that a test is approaching. This allows you to ask vital questions that will determine how far in advance they need to begin studying. The more organized your student is in the days leading up to the exam, the better off everyone will be. Ask your teen to gather all of the information needed and begin studying sections at a time. This will allow them to avoid cramming for the test. While some think cramming is the way to go, your brain is actually unable to recall all of the information studied at such a rapid pace. Cramming can lead to unfavorable results.

Allow Study Breaks

As your teen is studying, make sure they take breaks so they don’t get frustrated, bored, or overwhelmed. It’s a good idea to take a 5 or 10 minute break every hour. Let them walk around a bit, use the bathroom, grab a snack to refuel. Anything that allows them to mentally and physically take a break is what they should be doing during these breaks.

Study breaks with healthy snacks

Brain Fuel

Teens are always hungry – that seems to be a fact! Let them stay energized and ready to study with some healthy snacks. Avoid sugary drinks and unhealthy, carb loaded snacks that are bound to send them crashing shortly after indulging. Instead, have some healthy nuts, cheeses, fruits, and veggies on hand. That will give them a boost and keep them going!

Dividing Attention

Does your student have multiple exams on the same day? Time to divide and conquer. Start by jotting down the time and date of each upcoming test. Next, think about what subjects might require longer study periods and allow the appropriate amount of time. Does your student struggle in science but excel in language arts? Knowing this allows you to help your teen carve out more time to study for those harder subjects.

Mastering Exam Styles

Does your student get tricked by multiple choice Learning various testing methods and stylesquestions? Do they take guesses because all of the answers seem to blur together? Does your teen struggle with written answers, where they need to provide supportive evidence with their answer? Walk through different exam styles with them and quiz them in various ways. If they toss an answer out to you, ask them why they answered that way. This questioning will prepare them for providing details in their answers, should the need arise.

Tackling the Difficult Areas

Every student has a subject or two they find harder than the others. Typically when a student struggles in a subject, they want to avoid it. Sit down with them and review important concepts and terms. If you identify where they are struggling, make some flashcards of the material. Sometimes learning something in a new way is just the thing our brain needs to let the information soak in. If they are really struggling, then it’s time to reach out for help.

Managing Test Anxiety

There is bound to be a certain level of anxiety when something is being graded and recorded for a grade. It’s just human nature. The tips above should help you and your teen manage their test taking anxiety and prepare in the best way possible. Before your child goes to take the test, remind them that you have confidence in them, that they know the material, and that they’ll do great. A little pep talk has never been known to hurt anybody!

We have confidence in your student and know that they can do great things at My Virtual Academy! Should they feel they are struggling or need any additional support, please let their teacher, mentor, or any of our staff know by giving us a call at 800-297-2119. We are here to help in any way we can! For more on topics like this, head over to our Facebook page and follow us today!!

Quick Tips On Note Taking: Take Notes Like A Pro

Quick Tips On Note Taking: Take Notes Like A Pro

One of the most useful skills you can master when you are a student is effective note taking. It’s a skill that will benefit your student not just in their schooling days, but well into their professional adult life. Note taking helps people retain information longer, better understand the information they are being taught, and improve the recall of information.

Think about it – if notes are written in an unorganized, sloppy way, it will be hard to make sense of them at a later time. Add the fact that your handwriting may be messy if you are writing rapidly and the notes you took are basically useless.

On the other hand, good note taking helps you to:

  • Remember concepts
  • Understand topics in a better way
  • Connect the dots between topics
  • Engage in active listening to your instructor
  • Think about what you are writing

Top Note Taking Methods

#1: Summaries

In the Summaries Method, notes are broke down into little summaries. To do this method, you would take notes during a tutorial as neatly as you can. After the tutorial, review your notes and jot down key things you need to remember, including key vocabulary terms. At the bottom of the notes, write a summary that highlights the key points of your notes. People like this method because they can quickly scan the summary to see if they need to delve deeper and review that days notes in preparation for a test since all of the main points and concepts are called out.

#2: Outlining

In this method, you will use headings and bullet points to organize your notes. When you have topics that have a lot of details and nuances, this is the method to use. It keeps your notes nice and organized, and shows a clear relationship between the topics and subtopics. To use this method of note taking, begin each section of notes by listing the main topic at the top of the page (this is your heading) and add bullet points under each heading for each subtopic and/or supporting facts. You may end up with several different indents of bullet points, depending on how much detail needs to be noted.

More Note Taking#3: Mapping

If you have a lot of information and you want to show how various topics are related, then the mapping method is best to use. It is a visual way to put order to a chaotic topic. Your page of notes will be organized by topic then will branch off into subtopics with additional branches citing detailed information.

#4: Charting

When covering topics that have a lot of facts or relationships, charting is an easy way to keep your information organized. This type of note taking is very clear and easy to follow. Key pieces of information are called out for each topic. To do this method, divide your paper into equal columns by category. Use the space below each column header to jot down supportive facts.

Excel with Excellent Notes

At first, notes can look like a bunch of chicken scratch but after spending some time rewriting or organizing the notes, they will prove to be helpful study materials. Have your teen try out some of the note taking methods we mentioned and let us know what they thought by leaving a comment below.

For more tips and tricks head over to our Facebook page, and if you have any questions regarding our program and how we help middle and high school students, visit our website or give us a call at 800-297-2119.

Keeping Your Student Motivated Before Break

Keeping Your Student Motivated Before Break

The stores are bustling, houses are lit up with outdoor lights, and students are itching for a break. That can only mean one thing: Holiday break is right around the corner! When this time of the year approaches, it’s easy for students to start to lose motivation and interest when all they want is a much needed (and deserved!) break from school.

It can be hard to keep your student focused during these last couple of weeks before break, but try some of these strategies to keep their eyes on their schoolwork and they’ll continue nailing their tests and coursework right up until the holiday break.

Change Where They Study

A simple change of location can do wonders to reinvigorate the mind. Does your student usually study in their bedroom at their desk? Why not offer that they study at the kitchen table or in the living room? They could change the location up every couple of days if it helps their motivation.

Switch up Their SeatingYoga exercise ball

Have any of those exercise balls lying around? Ask if your student wants to use that instead of their desk chair! They are used a lot in traditional classrooms now to help students keep their mind on their work and your teen may find them a nice change of pace.

Get Up and M.O.V.E.

Fresh air (even cold air!), sunlight, and the energy flowing in nature are sure to give your student a nice, quick break and reset their mind where they are ready to focus and dig into their schoolwork. Have your student take a walk, sit on the patio, or take a quick run for about 15 minutes to clear their head and refocus.

Keep Hands Busy

Remember that fidget spinner craze? Some traditional schools and homeschooling parents have actually found that proper use of them, or products similar, can actually keep your student’s hands busy and allow them to channel their energy into their studies. If you can’t get your hands on a spinner, give them some Play-Doh. It might seem juvenile, but just manipulating it in their hands as they study can help them listen and learn.

Studying with friends and family

Ask Your Student to Teach You

In order to make sure they are really focused and understanding the concepts, why not ask your child to teach you the lesson? Have them act as the teacher and teach you the current math method they are learning or have them explain what they are studying in social studies. This will not only refresh your memory in case they have questions or need help, but it will give them another opportunity to go over the material and lock it into memory.

Explore Different Ways of Learning

When your student hits a lull, encourage them to explore different ways of learning about their current topic. Instead of just reading about the ancient Egyptian pyramids, sit with them and find videos or documentaries on them. Learning in a variety of ways keeps things spiced up and interesting so don’t be afraid to venture outside of the box.

Take Five

Like we mentioned before, everyone needs a break during the day and your student is no exception. Sometimes a 5 minute break is what’s needed to clear the head and direct their focus. Laugh, tell jokes, watch a quick video on YouTube, or grab a snack. It’s like a power break so make it count and then have them get back at it!

At My Virtual Academy, our teachers are always coming up with new ways to make lesson plans exciting and engaging. We realize this time of year it can be hard to keep student’s focused since they have the excitement of the holiday’s right around the corner. You might have out of town relatives coming in or parties to attend. Whatever is happening in your household, it is sure to be enough to make your students mind wander so use our strategies above to bring their attention back to their schoolwork.

Our staff at My Virtual Academy works really hard to provide your student with an online environment in which every student will thrive. We take pride in our flexible learning method and create our coursework to meet each student’s unique, individual needs. To learn more call 800-297-2119.

Have you visited our Facebook page lately? We are always posting things that enrich our student’s lives and it allows you an opportunity to connect to the rest of the My Virtual Academy community. Head over here and “like” our page today!

Help! My Teen Gets Bored Being On The Computer. Tips To Keep Your Student Focused

Help! My Teen Gets Bored Being On The Computer. Tips To Keep Your Student Focused

How many of you go to work every day and are on the computer from the minute you walk in until the moment you leave? We hear you! It can be draining both physically and mentally. Not only can your back start to ache a bit from sitting, but your eyes can feel strained and your mind can start to wander. It’s perfectly normal to hit a funk when part of your everyday life revolves around being on a computer or device of some sort, but there are ways to combat your computer woes and actually become more productive along the way. Try these suggestions for both you and your student and we think you’ll notice your energy and motivation will be through the roof!

Switch up your work-spaceStudent doing homework

We encourage our families to have a designated school space in the house for their student. That should have a desk, lamp, computer, and plenty of work-space. However, sometimes they need a break from the everyday routine of things, and that includes where they do their schooling. If they have a laptop computer, try working at the kitchen table for a bit or outside on the patio. You could even suggest they have a big change of scenery and spend the morning studying and doing coursework at a local coffee shop.

Have you noticed that some employers are offering standing desks to their employees now? That gets them out of the ordinary and changes things up. Sometimes something simple is all it takes to break up the routine and kick up the productivity and creativity. Why not give the same thing a try at home?

Use a reward system

Remember when teachers would put gold stars on your paper if you did a great job? A reward, no matter how small, can go a long way! Implement your own reward system and make goals with your teen. For instance, if they need to catch up on their science work, set a goal of what you want them to accomplish by 1:00pm and if they did it, you will treat them somewhere for lunch or give them extra video game time. The rewards don’t have to cost anything either for them to be effective. Enticing them with being able to pass on a weekly chore could be incentive enough to get them plowing through their work. This gets them off of the computer and onto other things in no time. One more tip: keep the goals small and attainable. If your teen feels the goals set are unattainable, they won’t even try.

Add in a distraction

This sounds counterproductive, but as crazy as it sounds, some people work better when there are lots of things happening around them. If your teen finds a quiet environment where they are parked in front of the computer screen boring, or if they can’t keep their mind from wandering, try letting them listen to music on their headphones while doing their schooling. Does your student like to draw or squiggle? Let them express themselves on paper while taking in their math lesson or other coursework. Sometimes having the TV on in the background translates to a “white noise” sound and enables the student to focus better on their schoolwork. Whatever works for your student is what’s best and should be done. After all, virtual learning is flexible learning, right?

Take breaks from the screen

Just like in a work environment, it’s good to take breaks every now and then to clear your mind and regroup. Same goes for virtual learning. Every hour or so, tell your student to take a quick 5-10 minute break. Have them get up from their desk, walk around, grab a snack, and use the bathroom. Knowing a break is coming allows them to forge ahead in their work and not feel bogged down.

A break also doesn’t have to be limited to what we just mentioned. Before your teen begins their school day, see what lessons need to be done on the computer and what can be done away from it. Suggest that they group their computer work together so that they tackle that and get it out of the way. Then, they can do their off-line work afterwards. Or, if they want to break up the computer work throughout the day, have them do a little online work, followed by off-line work, and repeat until they have completed the day’s workload.

Make a date with the gym

A big reason why people love to workoutstudent doing cardio is because the exercise clears their head and gets them ready to tackle their next project. If your teen is feeling stressed with school or personal life, have them schedule some type of physical activity into each day. This time is spent on bettering themselves and will set them up for success for the rest of the day. To break up screen time throughout the day, have them plan on doing some schooling in the morning, followed by their workout and lunch, then get back at it in the afternoon. The exercise will provide a much needed break and will give them a boost of energy.

As we mentioned, the best thing about virtual learning is that it is FLEXIBLE. If your student feels like they need a break, let them take one. After all, they set their own schedule and work at their own pace. We’re sure you can identify with feeling like you need to clear your mind or break up the everyday routine when you are in front of a computer all day. Keep them motivated and ready to learn with our suggestions and you’ll be surprised at the great strides your teen will make!

Have you “liked” our Facebook page yet? What are you waiting for? Head over and check out all the great information we are continuously posting for our My Virtual Academy community. If you would like more information about our program feel free to call 800-297-2119 or visit our website.

School Work Putting Your Student In A Slump?

Just like in traditional school, virtual learners encounter coursework that may be challenging and they may get discouraged from time to time. We don’t want your students to let a hard assignment or a poor grade send them in a downward spiral. After all, the decision to become a virtual learner may have been made because they were struggling in the traditional classroom. While we want your child to be academically stimulated, we don’t want them to feel that they don’t have the skills needed to tackle a tough assignment or bounce back from a low grade.

Teaching your student how to deal with hurdles in life and in school will be central for their success. We’ve compiled some tips below that will help your middle or high school child get out of their funk and ready to tackle whatever they come across in school.

It starts with you.

An involved parent helps hold a child accountable for their daily actions. This ranges from school to chores. Your teen should be at an age now where they can work independently but still check in with them daily in regards to their schooling. Let them know that you are there to offer support. Ask them what their week looks like. What assignments are due? Do they have a test coming up? Do they have their time properly allocated to complete their coursework, study, and have free time? Do they find themselves struggling in any areas? Would it help clarify what they are learning if they reached out privately to the teacher? Make yourself available to your teen and show that you are vested in their life. These questions all show your teen that you are there to offer guidance and give them the necessary support. Checking in with your teen in this manner will also allow you to motivate them and steer them back on track, should you feel they are in a slump.

Make a plan of attack with your student.

We are big supporters of planners. When your student learns virtually, time management is a skill that is of utmost importance. At home, distractions come easily and in the blink of an eye, it could be 6:00PM and your teen could have no schooling done that day. Learning how to plot out their day takes the stress off and stops the cramming. No one likes to cram and feel rushed, but if they don’t make good use of their time, that’s what happens. As we mentioned before, it all starts with you. Sit down with your child and look at what lies ahead in their week. Help them divide up their time appropriately so that they have time to complete their coursework and assignments each day. There may be adjustments that need to be made, and that’s okay. Your student will feel at ease and not overwhelmed once they see there is time for everything.

Reward good habits.

We all need motivation. We need something that sparks the drive in us and encourages us to succeed and do well. This is never truer than when we are in a rut. If your adolescent needs a bit of a nudge, why not think of a reward that they can work towards? Tickets to the movies, a new book, a new video game, or a nice dinner out might be the motivation they need to dive back into their studies with a new attitude. Work together to set a goal and be clear about what their reward will be. Check in with your child, off and on, to see how they are progressing. Knowing they are working toward a goal and closer to a reward, may be just what they need to get motivated and back to their good schooling habits.

Make rules and consequences.

When your teen is struggling with school and their behavior is unacceptable, they need to know what your rules are and what the consequences are for their behavior. Behavior that goes unchecked is bound to continue because there are no negative reactions for their actions. It can be hard if your teen simply gives up over one bad grade or hits a hard subject and shuts down. They need to know what your rules and expectations are of them. If poor school performance is something you won’t tolerate, let them know what the consequences are. When you see things you don’t like, it’s important to nip it right then and there or the time will pass and any disciplinary actions won’t be effective.

Help your teen by showing them how to stay organized and manage their time and workload. Letting them know there are consequences for unfavorable behavior/grades and rewards for favorable ones, will help your middle and high school student overcome any hurdle they may face during their schooling. Consider these tips and keep your teen motivated and on track for a successful school experience.

Has your teen ever hit a rut with their schooling? How did you motivate them and get them back on the track to success? We would love to hear your comments below! While you’re at it, head over to our Facebook page and share your parenting tips with the rest of the My Virtual Academy community!!