Think back to your younger days…were you an avid reader or were you the type of child who would rather do anything besides poke their nose in a book? Not everyone starts off with a natural love for reading, but reading is very important across all aspects of life. As kids get older and enter their tween and teen years, their desire to read (especially on their own) can dwindle. It’s up to us as parents, guardians, and instructors to encourage a relationship with reading, knowing that a strong reader has greater chances for success in all areas of their life.

We compiled some tricks of the trade that will help your child learn how nice it can be to curl up with a good book and be transported to whatever place the author has in mind. There’s nothing like it!

Suggest books that have been turned into a movie.

If your teen loves movies, there is a good chance that one of the movies they have seen recently is based on a book. Encourage them to check out the book from your local library and see how the movie and book compare and contrast. This is a great way to get them interested in reading. Movies typically veer somewhat from the book and people love to break them down and see which one they liked better. It also might help your child to get through the entire book because they have an expectation of what is going to come next.

Delve into graphic novels.

Your teen is certainly at an age where they don’t need picture books but sometimes books that are solid text can be overwhelming, especially if someone doesn’t like to read or struggles with reading. Graphic novels can merge the two worlds and be a step into deeper literature. With a little research (or a helpful librarian!), you can help your tween discover graphic novels in genres ranging from fantasy to biography.

Introduce them to audiobooks.

Whether you check these out from your local library or download them onto a device, audiobooks can spark a love for reading in a whole new way. You can listen to the book together in the car or even around the house. Thanks to smart phones and tablets, audiobooks are more accessible than ever.

Find out what their interests are.

Student Enjoying Reading Is your teen dealing with something at home, with their friends, or in school? Chances are the young adult section in your library has a book on it. If your teen can relate to a book and see themselves in it through characters, they will have a greater chance of not only finishing the book but looking for another one once they are done.

Lead by example.

You’ve realized since your child was a baby that they follow your lead. If you have less than stellar reading habits, they’ll follow suit. If you act like reading is a chore, how do you think they’ll view it? You set the tone. Remember that. Show them good academic habits, including frequent reading, and you just may be surprised at how quickly they come around.

At My Virtual Academy, we know your teen has what it takes to succeed and accomplish their dreams. Sometimes all it takes is someone like you to set their soul on fire and get them moving in the right direction. If your teen’s educational needs haven’t been met in a traditional school, why not give virtual learning a try? Click here or give us a call at 800-297-2119 to see why so many students are turning to virtual learning as a way of earning their high school diploma.